
What can we do for you?

Here are some of the ways the Money Tiger can help you

Want in?

All of your transactions in a single place

All of your transactions in a single place

No need to visit every bank and credit card website

Easily search for specific transactions

Easily search for specific transactions

Filter by category, company name, charged amount, date or custom notes

Top of the line security

Top of the line security

All of your data is secure using top of the line industry standards. No leaks here!

Get notified on things that you care about

Get notified on things that you care about

No need to obsessively check the website. Have the website notify you when something you care about happens

Ask a true AI questions about your finance

Ask a true AI questions about your finance

Rather than get pre-made and often irrelevant "insights", we allow you to use freeform language to query your data in a secure way using top of the line LLM (freeform language AI)

Export our data and do more things with it

Export our data and do more things with it

Want to use heavier tools than we have? Take your full data whenever and process it in Tableu, Sheets, Excel or your custom Pandas script. We'll keep aggregating it for you

Attach receipts so they don't get lost

Attach receipts so they don't get lost

Never wonder "what did I buy from Amazon 5 months ago" again, because you have the receipt right next to the expense row

Categorize transactions the way you want

Categorize transactions the way you want

Keep things orderly by automatically assigning new tranasactions to your categories